Friday, April 12, 2013

My plan. My journey.

A week from tomorrow will be a year since I met Colten Charles Sponseller.

That's my husband!

Can I just say how amazing it is to say that?!?! It is incredible, and sometimes I have to pinch myself to help myself remember that this is real life.

It's late and I just wanted to post something since it's been ages, and so I'd just like to tell you how I absolutely and completely know without a doubt that God has a plan for us.
Consider this journey:
1. I asked for a violin when I was four
2. I started teaching violin when I was twelve
3. When I was in high school I realized I wanted to be a music teacher
4. Utah State gave me a scholarship, so I decided to go there
5. I got rejected from the Utah State music program twice
6. I realized that I wanted music more than I wanted that particular school
7. UVU let me audition after they had closed auditions
8. UVU gave me a sweet scholarship, and lots of personal attention, so I made the move down to Provo. What's more, I got a spot in an apartment with wonderful roommates and enjoyed my ward, including my wonderful home teachers Craig and Alex.
9. I dated a bit, then I didn't for a long time, and to get out of a slight slump of loneliness I decided to work on myself by going to the temple every week, beginning to read my scriptures better, and setting goals for myself that would make me feel accomplished. By doing this I worried less about dating and more about where I was heading in my life
10. I was introduced to Colten by my home teachers. (Yes, this is AFTER I stopped thinking about how bad I wanted to get married). He left for Infantry School three days later (he's a Marine!)
11. My teacher asked me to help pioneer the Violin Performance degree, I accepted and began to double major in Violin Performance and Music Education
12. I wrote letters to Colten
13. I left for India where I was stretched and I grew into a better human being
14. A day after I got back from India I went on my first date with Colten
15. I took an institute class that fit into my 18 credit semester, and I heard a girl comment about 1 John 4:18 -- "There is no fear in love, for perfect love casteth out fear . . ."
16. This scripture prompted me to date Colten, to not be afraid!
17. Colten and I got engaged on December 7th
18. I declared Violin Performance as my sole major, realizing that I needed to finish school sooner to be a mom, and also that I didn't want to be a CONDUCTOR, I wanted to be a private violin teacher
19. Colten and I got married on March 8th

Okay, that's a long list! But can you see how the Lord has guided my life? Isn't it amazing how he guided me, I would say even from choosing to play the violin at age 4, to pursue music, which ultimately led me to the exact right place I would need to be to meet my future husband? Coincidence? Heck no!! Not only have I been sealed to the most amazing and loving man, but I also get to study something that makes me truly happy. (And I was led to the very school where I could be the first one to study my particular degree! I think I wanted Music Education -- or that I was prompted to study it -- at first so that it would get me to this point!) This is probably the most blessed I've been my whole life. I cannot believe the blessings that God has bestowed upon me. And so, I testify that God will help guide you to the right place, to the right person, if we only stay in tune with the Spirit and let Him lead you.