Monday, September 16, 2013

We are Instruments

This morning I was reading in Alma chapter 35. As I came across verse 14, I read, " . . . having been instruments in the hands of God."

I know i've read and heard this phrase countless times before, but this morning was when it struck me that we are all the orchestra here on earth, and God is the conductor. He has shown us the way we need to go, but in the end -- it's up to us to learn our parts.
With all the experience I've had playing in ensembles, this really struck me. If you don't know your part, you're letting your section down, and ultimately the whole group. Just like us in our families, we want to stay all together as a section -- so that at the end of the concert, we can all look at each other and know that we did well.
Of course, we have to follow our concertmaster: Christ. He shows us all the bowings and fingerings, and as we keep an eye on him and an eye on Heavenly Father, our conductor, we won't get lost.

Holy moly, isn't that awesome!

Thanks for indulging me in a gospel + music analogy, it made my day.

In other news: On Wednesday I am starting a new job! I get to teach an "exploratory" elementary school orchestra class -- basically meaning that the kids will get rotated so they just learn the basics on the instrument. Luckily, everyone gets to learn the violin -- so I don't have to teach the cello or bass (or worse  . . . how to read alto clef! {just kidding [but really]}). I am nervous, excited, and ready to have this experience. It'll only be an hour on Mondays and an hour on Wednesdays, but this is an amazing opportunity that just fell into my lap, an opportunity to be an instrument. Yay!

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