Sunday, July 28, 2013

Best Date Ever.

 Sometimes you just have awesome days. And yesterday was one of those. It started out with us driving to Heber so Colten could help my Dad haul hay. Turns out, a bunch of ward members showed up and Colten only touched 4 bales. Woohoo! But, to make driving up the canyon worth our while, we went on a horse ride with my Dad and cousin Josh. It was a magnificently overcast day for a horse ride. It was excellent.

For quite a while, Colten has been wanting to go to the Gun Show (like real guns, not just his arms.) So, we did! And two amazing things happened: we traded my .38 special for a .22 magnum across the board. Yay! And also, this Winchester 20 gauge happened. YESSSSSS.

 SLAB PIZZA. Yes. We decided to practice our "smolders" while we waited.

 Here we are, watching the sky in Kiwanis Park. It was lightly raining, and we thought it would be hilarious if it just started pouring while we were lying there. But it didn't, so we just talked and dreamed for a while.

 The Swings!

 And you know what, might as well take a model shot by a lonely sunflower, right?

Then of course, we picked up a couple cheap books at DI.

Yesterday, July 27th, marked the year anniversary of our first date. On that original date, I had just gotten back from India and I was super jet-lagged, so after a walk around Kiwanis and a crepe at "The Awful Waffle" I was done. But yesterday, Colten and I took many of our favorite activities and culminated them into a whole day. It was magical to be able to just enjoy one another and have fun. So, I know there's not really a point to this, but I am so immensely grateful that I accepted that date a year ago. How my life has changed since then! Holy moly. 

Oh yeah, and there are quite a few excellent date ideas in here if you didn't notice. :)

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