Friday, June 29, 2012

India Post #2

This place is incredible. I probably say that a lot. But there is just SO much to see, SO many people, SO many smells, sounds, tastes, sights. It's incredible.

This was a different week. Most of it was spent working on my project. I am here with HELP International. When we think of an idea for a project, we have to go through a process called a "project proposal". This requires that I spent time at our house here, thinking about all the details of my project and compiling it into a document stating why I'm doing it, how I'm going to do it, what my goals are with it, and how much  money I'm going to spend. It was slightly stressful to figure everything out, and I had to propose it twice to my country directors. But the first time, they gave so many suggestions that were very appreciated. The second time, it was accepted. That day I gave my first piano lesson. I had planned on 5 students, but only 2 showed up. Indians run on a very different time schedule. If you say 11:00, they're going to come at 11:30. It's just always like that. But, I taught those two students AND one of my country directors, Modesta, came and I gave her a lesson too! It's going to be a challenging project if I can't get everyone there when I want them there. But it's going to be awesome. Somehow, it's going to work!

Also, I got to plant THREE gardens yesterday in the slums. Two of them were for older couples, and one was for a man who was convinced that us white Americans would be good luck for his seeds. I got a sweet farmers tan and went to bed at 9:30 on a Friday night. I'm definitely convinced there's a different, hotter sun here in India.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sarah! I have loved reading your blog. You are a great writer and you explain everything so well. Thanks for sharing all of it with us. Glad you are doing well. Good luck with your piano teaching project. I'm sure you will do an amazing job with it. Love ya!!
