I'm just saying,
it's fine by me
If you never leave
And we can live like this
It's fine by me.
Seriously. I am so blessed every day. I never want my blessings to leave!
Let's make a list:
1. I get to be a music major. Every day. I am absolutely in love with every single one of my classes.
2. I get to live with fantastic roomates. They inspire me! They make me want to be better. They make it so easy to make good choices. They are wonderful.
3. I have been to the temple every week so far this semester. It is magical and addicting! I had no idea. At the beginning of the year I made a goal to go to the temple once a month . . . but I'm pretty sure this is getting revised NOW. I'm going once a week!
4. My car works. The heater in it works. So wonderful.
5. I get to teach NINE violin students. I am so grateful I have a job I adore!
6. I get to make healthy meals for myself every day. And occasionally, Ellie gets me to excercise.
7. VIOLIN. I call my violin my boyfriend. I am loving all the pieces I'm playing right now. Another de Beriot piece (so romantic!), and symphony and chamber orchestra pieces. I moved up to 3rd chair in chamber and 4th in Symphony.
8. I didn't completely fail when I accompanied the ward choir last Sunday! Actually, I did AWESOME. So, there was probably a lot of divine intervention. But it went absolutely great.
9. I'm taking ballet again. And that's all I have to say about that.
10. Our internet, shower, lights, and heater are all working in the apartment.
So, fine. My life isn't perfect. I haven't been on a date since November. It makes me so frustrated. Music theory is going to be hecka hard. And it's only the first month. I feel perpetually poor. And I keep having to fill my car up with gas.
But I like dwelling on the blessings better.
They're fine by me.