Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fine By Me by Andy Grammer

I'm just saying,

it's fine by me

If you never leave

And we can live like this


It's fine by me.

Seriously. I am so blessed every day. I never want my blessings to leave!

Let's make a list:

1. I get to be a music major. Every day. I am absolutely in love with every single one of my classes.

2. I get to live with fantastic roomates. They inspire me! They make me want to be better. They make it so easy to make good choices. They are wonderful.

3. I have been to the temple every week so far this semester. It is magical and addicting! I had no idea. At the beginning of the year I made a goal to go to the temple once a month . . . but I'm pretty sure this is getting revised NOW. I'm going once a week!

4. My car works. The heater in it works. So wonderful.

5. I get to teach NINE violin students. I am so grateful I have a job I adore!

6. I get to make healthy meals for myself every day. And occasionally, Ellie gets me to excercise.

7. VIOLIN. I call my violin my boyfriend. I am loving all the pieces I'm playing right now. Another de Beriot piece (so romantic!), and symphony and chamber orchestra pieces. I moved up to 3rd chair in chamber and 4th in Symphony.

8. I didn't completely fail when I accompanied the ward choir last Sunday! Actually, I did AWESOME. So, there was probably a lot of divine intervention. But it went absolutely great.

9. I'm taking ballet again. And that's all I have to say about that.

10. Our internet, shower, lights, and heater are all working in the apartment.

So, fine. My life isn't perfect. I haven't been on a date since November. It makes me so frustrated. Music theory is going to be hecka hard. And it's only the first month. I feel perpetually poor. And I keep having to fill my car up with gas.

But I like dwelling on the blessings better.

They're fine by me.