The night before I visited Temple Square with my amazing roomates Jenifer and LeAnne!
You know what? All of them are so pretty. Temples, I mean. And who WOULDN'T want to get married there? They are like CASTLES, which is perfect for a princess like me.
I love to see the Temple
I'm going there someday!
But seriously, I'm SO grateful for temples. There's something about this season that just makes you so much more grateful for things. As we celebrate Christmas this year, we celebrate without my Gramma Savage and without my Uncle Blaine. It's is such a wondeful thing to celebrate our Savior's birth. Because of Him and his glorious sacrifice for us, we all are comforted by the fact that we will see Gramma and Blaine again. Because of temples, and the fact that my Granparents were sealed together for time and all eternity AS WELL as my own parents and Blaine and my Aunt Marleigh, I know this is possible.
Familes Can Be Together Forever BECAUSE of our Savior, Jesus Christ, whose birth we celebrate on Saturday.
Merry Christmas!